Accessibility Page:
Access Your Life is committed to providing a website that is accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of technology or ability. Our website promotes the importance of physical accessibility, which is why we are trying to ensure that we have virtual accessibility. However, this is a constant work in progress! So if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our website, please get in touch via our CONTACT page, as your feedback is greatly appreciated!
British Sign Language:
You will notice that we do not currently have any videos featuring British Sign Language, but we are planning to add a BSL video that explains our website very soon!
We are also happy for our users to submit equipment reviews in the form of a video that includes BSL, so please get in touch if you would like more information! Alternatively, you can submit one of our online review forms and include a link to your video using sites such as Youtube, We Transfer, and Dropbox!
Eye Gaze Technology:
We are currently creating several bespoke buttons to ensure eye gaze technology users can navigate our website, but this is taking a little longer than anticipated. So please get in touch via our CONTACT page if you are interested in helping us with this process, and/or providing feedback during this transformation!