Item Description:
Wheelchair cushion with cover a small valve to adjust air pressure out front. I have the evolution version, but there are different shapes and sizes available that look the same from the outside. To inflate the cushion you simply open the valve, then closed to seal. You can then sit on the cushion once fully inflated, followed by re-opening the valve until the correct setting is achieved. (This is a standard valve, but there is a second valve option that automatically releases a certain amount of air when in use.)
Source of Item:
Not Disclosed
Personal Opinion:
I suffer from pressure sores so have tested many different cushions. Varilite seems to be a lesser-known brand from what I can tell, but when pressure-mapped this outperformed the other cushions I have tried by far. I was previously using a cushion with a pump that kept the pressure sores at bay, but did not help my posture one bit, meaning I now can’t sit in the correct posture and have to have enough pressure relief to avoid pressure sores.
As the cushion only consists of foam and air, it isn’t heavy like most wheelchair gel cushions and is not as sweaty/uncomfortable on a hot day!
(Based on an automatic calculation of the individual results above.)
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