Item Description:
Perfectly sprung drive wheels for manual wheelchairs that use unique, innovative technology.
Source of Item:
Complete Paraplegia Level TH6/7
Personal Opinion:
I have been using the SoftWheels every day since 2017 and especially when using a wheelchair traction device. Since then, the strain on my back has been minimized and my back pain levels reduced. Especially when rolling over cobblestones or when crossing curbs, the integrated shock absorbers genuinely absorb every shock and prevent even the smallest of bumps trigging pain throughout my body. They also look perfect!
The weight takes some getting used to and unfortunately the screws on the inside of the soft wheels rub against the side part of the wheelchair, but these problems can be eliminated, and they are minor things when compared to the health benefits. Highly recommend!
(Based on an automatic calculation of the individual results above.)
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