* The photos published alongside this review have been supplied by the product manufacturer. *
Wheelchair Description:
A pink folding frame that is highly adjustable. Comes with a folding footplate, push handles and easy to use brakes.
Source of Wheelchair:
Personal Opinion:
This wheelchair is relatively easy to propel, but it is heavy to lift if you are on your own. So it can be quite difficult to get in and out of the car if you don’t have someone with you. However, the frame can be taken apart to make it smaller, but as the parts are quite heavy I find this difficult.
Overall I think this wheelchair is comfortable to sit in unless you are going over rough terrains, as it makes the frame wobble. So it probably would not suit anyone who goes off-road regularly. However, I think this wheelchair is a great choice for people who need support during their day-to-day routines, but
(Based on an automatic calculation of the individual results above.)
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