Wheelchair Description:
Black rigid frame with black tires, a short rigid backrest and yellow Spinergy wheels.
Source of Wheelchair:
Personal Opinion:
I had difficulty getting insurance to approve this chair, as they were only interested in paying a small amount and did not think about my activities! I have a six-year old son who will go to playgrounds, play in the woods and just loves to play outside, but thanks to this chair I have been able to continue with our active lifestyle!
As a single mum, it is nearly impossible to save money to buy a new chair of this kind on my own, so I am very grateful. However, I have had a few issues recently due to the fact I have had this wheelchair for such a long time, so I get a little anxious about it breaking down when I am out of the house! But overall, I love it and can’t recommend it enough!
(Based on an automatic calculation of the individual results above.)
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