Exclusive Discounts

Our top priority is to support the disabled community, especially during the current cost-of-living crisis. So, by collaborating with manufacturers and suppliers of disability-related equipment, Access Your Life can provide exclusive discounts to our users.

The products available through this form may vary depending on our current partnerships. We recommend that you follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on our offerings. Furthermore, if you have any suggestions for products that we can feature in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Product Order Form

Available Products:

T-Pull Door Closer:
NiCosy Wheelchair Blanket:

Payment & Delivery:

Postage & Packing:
Preferred Payment Method:
Total Cost:

Please Note:

Depending on your preferred payment method, you will receive an email containing either a PayPal invoice or bank transfer details.

Upon receipt of payment, your order will be packed and posted.

Personal Information:

Delivery Address:
Delivery Address:

(Address Line One)

(Address Line Two)




Preferred Contact Method:

Terms & Conditions:

Staying Connected:
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