Comfyrider Leg Support

Sep 14, 2020

* This post is kindly sponsored by Comfyrider. *

Comfyrider is a new innovative product designed to provide additional leg support for people who use mobility scooters. It was initially created in South Wales by Steyne Manufacturing Ltd and clips onto a wide range of flat-floored mobility scooters, with the ability to accommodate a wide range of scooter depths and widths. Providing an instant solution that helps ease pain, reduces discomfort, and relieves circulation problems by elevating the legs. The product has two U shaped padded cushions that support your legs, meaning your knee is held in a slightly flexed position to promote healthy circulation and joint comfort.

A royal blue four-wheeled mobility scooter with two matching Comfyrider leg rests.
A black and white mobility scooter with one black Comfyrider leg rest supporting the users amputated leg.
A metallic blue four wheeled mobility scooter with two light blue Comfyrider leg rests.

Even though the product is designed to enable users to rest one or both calves on the pads, they still have plenty of space to also ride with their feet down. It’s available in a choice of three colours (black, red, or blue) and is made of lightweight aluminium combined with a high-quality seat pad. Comfyrider offers a great alternative for mobility scooter users who find themselves resting their feet on the front wheel housings of their scooter in order to ride comfortably, as this product provides a much more natural and appropriate place to rest your legs.

A red four wheeled mobility scooter with two matching Comfyrider leg rests.
A matt red four-wheeled mobility scooter with two matching Comfyrider leg rests.
A red four-wheeled mobility scooter with two matching Comfyrider leg rests.

At AYL we are committed to sharing unbiased information on the best products and services for people with disabilities, so it is an honour to be partnering with Comfyrider! For more information on this unique mobility scooter attachment, including customer reviews - simply check out the links below! Finally, for anyone looking to purchase this product, you can receive an exclusive £10 discount by quoting the following code when ordering!

*** Comfyrider Discount Code - AYL10 ***

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Black Comfyrider logo with the words "mobility scooter leg support rests" written underneath.


